Scoliosis (Personal Training)
脊椎侧弯 私教课程

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is defined as a lateral curve of the spine with a rotational component. With scoliosis, the spine forms an “S” (or “C”) curve and rotates at the same time. The ribs, connected to the spine and move with the spine, follow both this lateral and rotational movement of the spine. The ribs and intercostal muscles between the ribs move sideways, spread apart and rotate backwards with the spine.


On the opposite side of the curve, the intercostal muscles are underdeveloped and the ribs are compressed. Because of the rotation of the spine, the ribs are pushed forward forming a flat back, (this is called the concave side of the back). As a result, there is postural misalignment: the ribs are rotated, the shoulders can be at different heights with one shoulder blade more prominent than the other, and one hip may be higher than the other, resulting in an uneven waist. The head is sometimes not centered directly above the pelvis and the entire body can be leaning to one side.


The most obvious symptoms of scoliosis are cosmetic, yet pain and discomfort are also common. In extreme cases, there can be cardiopulmonary complications. When the body balanced and aligned with gravity, yoga & pilates posture will be almost effortless.  This program lead a scoliosis body to feel what “balanced” is, through the following, you will learn that you can have a curved spine and still be balanced and graceful.







